(Is he serious, or just biding his time, and wasting YOURS?)

Are men taking you seriously, or just biding their time, (and just wasting YOURS?) And you can get all of my insider dating secrets, right here.

Question: Is your partner really ‘in’ and there for the taking? Or is he just having a romp, and setting you up for a good old fashioned heartbreaking?

Gal Fact: Unfortunately, most women can’t really tell the difference.

Especially if you’re now super-bonded to men after intimacy, or are in the midst of fabulous and fun courtships. And women get SERIOUSLY CONFUSED, when your fella said that he had the EXACT SAME relationship goals you did, sometime early on in your courtship. (This probably was uttered either right before of after he managed to get your thong off!)

That’s why it’s SO imperative that marriage minded women learn how to spot the ‘buying signs’ of a seriously marriage-minded modern male. This is the an age old power struggle, and the stuff of Rom Coms. Carrie’s epic plight with Mr. Big (a Big Pain in the derriere), dear Jane Austin’s Captain Wentworth.

On Your Free Podcast: Your learn my White Glove Test, to quickly see if you’re both on a marriage track.

You’ll also learn about the 6 Stages of Courtship that lead to marriage, and what to DO if it’s getting derailed, and are in some kind of time wasting ‘holding pattern’.

Romantic Rule: If he isn’t The One, he’s just blocking traffic!

(And please check out my international bestseller, Dating, Mating & Manhandling, which is brimming with the most “seriously effective courtship and modern dating advice”. I refer to it on this call and quote it, and you’ll find it invaluable as you progress through flirting, to more serious and committed dating).

There are 6 classic stages of commitment that signal when a suitor is making you and your future relationship his #1 priority. I call this the ‘White Glove Relationship Test’.

Failure to meet these ‘relationship stages’ or ‘tests’ is a proof positive indicator that he’s either trying to be ‘The One’, or may be just another ‘someone’.

So if you’ve been in a dating relationship or a committed relationship, and wondered, “What is he really THINKING about ‘us’, or “Where the heck is this really going?” then this free Heartache Prevention Podcast will give you the gift of clarity, because let’s face it…

Your time is VALUABLE and it’s boring having just one more mini-relationship, and temporary boyfriend, right? So let’s get started…

On this FREE PODCAST, you’ll learn:

The White Glove Test & The 6 Stages of Courtship.

Relationship Negotiation techniques for a “boomerang partner”

Learning how to make him STEP UP and commit to a long term commitment, or step off with communication techniques that men appreciate and RESPOND favorably to.

When to cut him loose, (even if you really don’t want to, but need to!)

How to tell if he’s getting ready to pop the question.

How to tell if you’re just getting strung along.

Negotiating differences between you, and hearing his objections to partnership in a safe way that protects your relationship.

How to tell if your differences are workable.

Manhandling Maneuvers: Can you get back “The One Who Got Away” or is it over?

How to tell if he’s getting ready to break things off with you.

Download your podcast here:

Please post your aha’s and insights about this topic below! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

All Love,

Lauren Frances